Behind the Scenes | Tasha + Xavier
We're starting a series of short films that feature friends of the shop—who they are and what they do. We thought it'd be a cool way to showcase the people we find inspiring in their own ways.
Scroll down for some behind the scenes shots of our time spent with Tasha and Xavier.
Featuring Tasha King (@goldentash) and Xavier King (@theresmoretolifethanyourself)
Shot and directed by Brandon Gordon (@sleepy.gordon)
Music by Ross Somerville (@rosssomervillecomposer)
Styled by Jen and Matt Schachtebeck (@coffeeandclothing)

Scroll down for some behind the scenes shots of our time spent with Tasha and Xavier.
Featuring Tasha King (@goldentash) and Xavier King (@theresmoretolifethanyourself)
Shot and directed by Brandon Gordon (@sleepy.gordon)
Music by Ross Somerville (@rosssomervillecomposer)
Styled by Jen and Matt Schachtebeck (@coffeeandclothing)